The True Symbolism of Christmas

PDF contains 16 pages This evening we will talk about the symbolism of Christmas. It is obvious that this is a wonderful event, upon which it is urgent to deeply meditate.

Each year, the Sun makes an elliptic trip, beginning on December 25th, through our solar system. It then returns once again to the South Pole, towards the zone where the Antarctic is. This is why it is worthwhile to reflect on its deep significance.

In these times the cold weather begins here in the North, this is due precisely to the Sun’s journey to the Austral regions, and on the 24th of December the Sun has reached the zenith of its Southern trip. If the Sun, on the 25th of December, doesn’t return back toward the North: we would freeze to death; the whole Earth would become a huge ball of ice and all living beings would perish. Thus, it is worthwhile for all of us to reflect on the Christmas event.

THE SUN-CHRIST must press on to give us His life, and at the Spring Equinox it crucifies it¬self on Earth; and it is then that grapes and wheat ripen. It is precisely in the Spring when the Lord must get through his life, passion and death, in order to resurrect. (The Holy Week is in Spring: Easter).

The physical Sun, is nothing else than the SPIRITUAL SUN the SUN-CHRIST. When the ancient people adored the Sun, when they rendered cult to Him, they weren’t referring simply to the physical Sun. No, they rendered cult to the SPIRITUAL SUN, the MIDNIGHT-SUN, the SUN-CHRIST.