Book 51 and Christmas Message 22 (1973-1974) [Overall Publication #71] PDF version contains 154 pages Answer: My dear Brethren, your question seems to me very interesting and I hasten to answer. It is clear that in the avernus the truth disguises itself in darkness. It is rather surprising to know that the snake can polarize itself in a positive or negative manner. This means to say that the tempting serpent of Eden although being the tenebrous contrast of the serpent of light is undoubtedly the negative polarization of the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert. It is surprising to know that the radiating serpent polarizes itself in this fatal manner and this invites us to comprehend that it does so for the good of its own child, to destroy in the avernus the infrahuman elements that we carry within and free us from the frightening clutches of pain; this is bow the love of every Divine Mother is.”